Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Symantec Management Agent (or Altiris Agent) [Rev: 1.2]

After you have installed the Symantec Management Agent (or Altiris Agent) in your computer, the Notification Server computer can remotely monitor and manage the below in your computer:
  • Monitoring hardware and software
  • Scheduling software installations and file updates
  • Collecting and tracking basic inventory information
  • Managing policies and packages

When you attempt to download or install an application or software in your computer, the administrator of the the Notification Server computer is notified remotely.

Remove Symantec Management Agent software

Assuming you are using Windows XP SP3 x86 Operating System (OS). In the "Control Panel" -> "Add or Remove Programs", the Symantec Management Agent is not listed inside. I have created a RemoveSymantecManagementAgent.bat file to remove the Symantec Management Agent software. You can copy and paste the below RemoveSymantecManagementAgent.bat codes, and save it as RemoveSymantecManagementAgent.bat file. If you are using Windows Vista/7 x64 OS, please change the SMADIR path accordingly.

------------- BEGIN RemoveSymantecManagementAgent.bat codes -----------------------

@echo off
rem Remove Symantec Management Agent (or Altiris Agent)
rem Altiris Agent can remotely track inventory, usage, software and application 
rem installation, and other computer processing aspects.
rem When the client attempts to download or install an application,
rem the administrator is notified remotely.
rem JackNg, Rev: 1.1

set SMADIR="c:\Program Files\Altiris\Altiris Agent"
set SMAAGENT=AeXNSAgent.exe

if not exist %SMADIR%\%SMAAGENT% goto _NOSMA

echo Uninstall Symantec Management Agent...
%SMADIR%\%SMAAGENT% /uninstall

echo Deleting the Symantec Management Agent directory...
rd /s "c:\Program Files\Altiris"
goto _EXIT

echo %SMADIR%\%SMAAGENT% file not found


------------- END RemoveSymantecManagementAgent.bat codes -----------------------

Stopping Symantec Management Agent service

Assuming you are using Windows XP SP3/Vista/7 OS. You can copy and paste the below 0stopSymantecManagementAgentService.bat codes, and save it as 0stopSymantecManagementAgentService.bat file. Kindly run the 0stopSymantecManagementAgentService.bat to stop the Symantec Management Agent service so that it will stop running the Symantec Management Agent software.

------------- BEGIN 0stopSymantecManagementAgentService.bat codes -----------------------

@echo off
rem JackNg, Rev: 1.0

echo Stopping Symantec Management Agent service
sc stop AeXNSClient

------------- END 0stopSymantecManagementAgentService.bat codes -----------------------

Starting Symantec Management Agent service

Assuming you are using Windows XP SP3/Vista/7 OS. You can copy and paste the below 1startSymantecManagementAgentService.bat codes, and save it as 1startSymantecManagementAgentService.bat file. Kindly run the 1startSymantecManagementAgentService.bat to start running the Symantec Management Agent service so that it will run the Symantec Management Agent software.

------------- BEGIN 1startSymantecManagementAgentService.bat codes -----------------------

@echo off
rem JackNg, Rev: 1.0

echo Starting Symantec Management Agent service
sc start AeXNSClient

------------- END 1startSymantecManagementAgentService.bat codes -----------------------


[1] About the Symantec Management Agent

[2] What is Altiris Agent ?

[3] How to remove Altiris Client

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